Solitaire Mancala grading page
Machine tests for the SolitaireMancala class. This class should support the following methods:
__init__(self) : Create a SolitaireMancala object whose configuration consists of a board with an empty store and no houses (i.e; the configuration [0] ).
set_board(self, configuration) : Set the board to be a copy of the supplied configuration (to avoiding referencing issues). The configuration will be a list of integers in the form described above.
__str__(self) : Return a string corresponding to the current configuration of the Mancala board. This string is formatted as a list with the store appearing in the rightmost (last) entry. Consecutive entries should be separated by a comma and blank (as done by Python when converting a list to a string).
get_num_seeds(self, house_num) : Return the number of seeds in the house with index house_num . Note that house 0 corresponds to the store.
is_legal_move(self, house_num) : Return True if moving the seeds from house house_num is legal. Otherwise, return False . If house_num is zero, is_legal_move should return False .
apply_move(self, house_num) : Apply a legal move for house house_num to the board.
choose_move(self) : Return the index for the legal move whose house is closest to the store. If no legal move is available, return 0 .
is_game_won(self) : Return True if all houses contain no seeds. Return False otherwise.
plan_moves(self) : Given a Mancala game, return a sequence (list) of legal moves based on the following heuristic: after each move, move the seeds in the house closest to the store when given a choice of legal moves. Note that this method should not update the current configuration of the game.
A series of automatic tests will be run for each method. Also, note Pylint will be used to test that your code conforms to the class coding style
Total score: 100 pts |